Producing Effective Tables and Figures

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Producing Effective Tables and Figures

Take this quick quiz to check to see if you are a wizard at producing effective tables and figures.

  • 1) Decide whether the following four situations are better suited to displaying data in a figure or a table.
  • 2) Consider Table 1 below
  • Table 1: Table Showing The Effects of Treatment Dose.
    Treatment Dose (mg) Weight Gain After 2 Weeks (g) The Patient Was Happy (Yes/No), The Patient Was Sleeping Well (Yes/No)
    100 370 Yes, No
    150 430 No, No
    300 765 No, Yes
    200 480 No, Yes
    500 1060 Yes, No
    250 490 Yes, Yes
    350 740 Yes, No
    400 900 No, Yes
  • 3) Now consider Table 2 below and the data in it before ranking the following three potential titles from best to worst (choose 1 for best, 2 for second-best, 3 for worst):
  • Table 2: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Mean Amount of Sleep for Students Each Night (hours) Mean Time Taken for Students to Complete Six Tasks in Class (minutes)
    6 140
    6.5 145
    7 125
    7.5 125
    8 115
    8.5 115
    9 110
    9.5 115
    10 125